Bach Bibliography
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Series : ^MorningPost$
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Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. [Wesley will introduce a Fugue of Sebastian Bach at the New Theatre Royal Covent-Garden on 30 January 1810] MorningPost 12170 29 Jan 1810
2. [S. Wesley announces the musical party on Saturday 19 May performing Bach's works, including Violin Solo by Salomon] MorningPost 12262 16 May 1810 [1]
3. [The 4th part of Wesley-Horn edition of the 48 is now ready] MorningPost 13413 17 Jan 1814 [1]
4. [Salomon performs Bach's violin sonata at a benefit concert on Monday, June 6] MorningPost 13531 4 Jun 1814 [1]
5. [Thomas Adams performs 2 grand fugues of J. S. Bach on Thursday, 29 January.] MorningPost 14669 24 Jan 1818
6. [Thomas Adams performs Grand Fugue of S. Bach this evening.] MorningPost 14996 11 Feb 1819 [1]
7. [Seb. Bach's works to be sold at John Wall Callcott's sale] MorningPost 15050 15 Apr 1819 [1]
8. [Vol.4/XV of the New Monthly Magazine contains Bach's compositions.] MorningPost 15608 26 Mar 1821
9. [The Harmonicon, IV contains Life of Bach.] MorningPost 16297 19 Jun 1823
10. [Concert directed by Thomas Adams including 'Grand Motett. Seb. Bach.'] MorningPost 16582 12 Feb 1824 [1]
11. [Philanthropic Society stages a concert that includes Seb. Bach's fugue] MorningPost 17597 9 May 1827 [1]
12. [Performance of Sacred Music by Philanthropic Society on May 17th 1827 includes Fugue by Seb. Bach] MorningPost 17603 16 May 1827 [1]
13. [a magnificent Pedal Fugue of J. Seb. Bach was performed by Gauntlett and S. Wesley, Jun.] MorningPost 17737 19 Oct 1827
14. [Philanthropic Society hosts a concert under the direction of George Smart, including Fugue of Seb. Bach.] MorningPost 18229 16 May 1829
15. [Cipriani Potter performs Mendelssohn's Second Concerto and Bach's Pedal Fugues with Dragonetti] MorningPost 21341 28 May 1839 [1]

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BachBib Search Engine 1ct Version 1.57 (c) M. Vincent 1997.
Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita